For this second week, start each day with the prayer Sub Tuum Praesidium (Under Your Patronage). This prayer was recorded around 250 AD and reveals that since the early days of the Church, Christians have called upon Mary as their Mother and Advocate.
For this first week, start each day with the Angelus prayer. It would be wonderful to pray it at noon or the end of each work day, too. Do whatever is most convenient for you, and don’t lose focus on your prayer priority: reading the daily text from the retreat book and prayerfully pondering the daily questions.
How do we respond to a God who loves and rescues us? In 33 Days To Morning Glory, we learn what saying yes to God looks like through the First Disciple—our Blessed Mother—whose "yes" changed the world.
In these weeks of the season of Easter, the Holy Spirit has prompted my Team and I to fan into a flame the graces you received from the Rescue Project Mission. The Lord is calling us to a moment of intense reflection and further deepening as a community and as individuals.