Experience the beauty of the Illuminated Saint John's Bible on display in the Chapel of The Blessed Sacrament located in The Cathedral Of Christ The Light
The Saint John's Bible is a work of art and a work of theology. A team of artists coordinated by Donald Jackson in Wales and a team of scholars in Central Minnesota has brought together the ancient techniques of calligraphy and illumination with an ecumenical Christian approach to the Bible rooted in Benedictine spirituality. The result is a living document and a monumental achievement.
"As you learn more about The Saint John's Bible, we hope that the Scriptures will open up to you and that your journey here will become a journey toward God." Heritage Program
“The continuous process of remaining open and accepting of what may reveal itself through hand and heart on a crafted page is the closest I have ever come to God.” Donald Jackson
We are pleased to have a wide array of books, note cards and prints from the Saint John Bible collection available in The Cathedral Shop. Please call or e-mail The Cathedral Shop. Our staff will be pleased to serve you.